Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of body tissue cells are not normal. Cancer cells will grow rapidly, uncontrolled, and will continue to divide, then infiltrate into surrounding tissues and continue to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and attacking the vital organs and spinal cord. Under normal circumstances, cells will divide only if there is replacement of cells that have died and broken. Instead of cancer cells will divide continues even if the body does not need it, so it will happen accumulation of new cells are called malignant tumors. Stacking the cells are urgent and damage normal tissue, thus disturbing the organs they occupy. Cancer can occur in various tissues in various organs in each body, from feet to head. When cancer occurs on the surface of the body, will be easily detected and treated. But if there is in the body, the cancer will be difficult to know, and sometimes - sometimes have no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they usually have an advanced stage that it is difficult to treat.
The initial step in the treatment of cancer is detection correctly that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be performed quickly and accurately. The next step is a therapeutic treatment in a conventional manner.
The initial step in the treatment of cancer is detection correctly that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be performed quickly and accurately. The next step is a therapeutic treatment in a conventional manner.
Differences Tumor and Cancer
The tumor is actually a swelling caused by the presence of inflammation or inflammation and abnormal growth of tissue in the body. This type of tumor based on its growth can be divided into malignant tumors (malignant tumors) and benign tumors (benign tumors).
Well, a malignant tumor is often also referred to the nature of Cancer. But the possibility of a malignant tumor may be benign but it is very rare, usually in tumors that are too long and bulky. For example Fam (Fibroadenoma Mammae), benign breast tumors if left for years nothing has changed so malignant, is known as the Progressive, but the percentage probability approximately 0.5% -1% only.
When a person gets older, they will accumulate many mutations in its DNA. This means that the prevalence of tumors increases with age. In cases where an older person suffering from a tumor, it is likely that it is a malignant tumor. For example, if 20-year-old woman had a tumor in her breast, then the tumor is likely benign tumor. However, if the 70-year-old woman has a breast tumor, the tumor is a malignant tumor that is unlikely.
Tumors caused by DNA mutations in cells. Accumulation of these mutations cause the appearance of tumors. Actually, our cells have DNA repair mechanisms (DNA repair) and other mechanisms that cause cells to destroy themselves by apoptosis if DNA damage is too severe. Apoptosis is an active process of cell death characterized by chromosomal DNA cleavage, chromatin condensation, and fragmentation of the nucleus and cell itself. Mutations that suppress the genes for these mechanisms can usually lead to cancer.
Cancer itself is actually a term to buy antibiotics without prescription class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division and the ability of these cells to invade other biological tissues, either by direct growth in adjacent tissue (invasion) or by cell migration into place distant (metastasis). Uncontrolled growth is caused by DNA damage, and even causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division. Some fruit mutations might be needed to transform normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (obtained) or inherited (germline mutations).
This contrasts with benign tumors that do not invade surrounding tissue and do not form metastases, but locally may become large. Usually benign tumors do not appear again after surgical removal of tumors.