Brain Cancer Signs
Every types of brain cancer has different signs depends on where the cancer develop. The brain has different parts and functions, so the cancer symptoms had become different too.
General Cerebral Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms of brain cancer is a change in mild mental or psychomotor asthenia. Mild mental changes can be felt by people with close family. Examples of mild mental changes are easily offended, like emotion, forgetfulness, mental instability of slow activity and loss of initiative.
Baseline characteristics of brain cancer vary widely, depending on where the affected part of the brain. For example headache or feel nauseated. Here are the symptoms of brain cancer that you should be aware of:
Next is a symptom of brain cancer with the occurrence of headache. Experts estimate that 1% of the cause of the headache is due to the occurrence of brain cancer. And an estimated 30% of all brain tumors occur early symptoms of brain cancer and is experiencing pain in the head.
The nature of the headache varies. Ranging from mild and episodi, moderate, and even brain cancer symptoms of severe and throbbing headache. Brain cancer symptoms of headache is usually worse at night.
Including when I wake up in the morning and in a state of high intracranial pressure elevation. The existence of pain in the head with psychomotor asthenia is above suspicion and be aware of the occurrence of brain tumors or brain cancer.
Brain cancer symptoms with vomiting was found in 30% of cases. General symptoms of brain cancer and vomiting is accompanied by headache. In case of headache accompanied by vomiting it must be aware that this is a symptom of brain cancer.
Early brain cancer symptoms is seizures that was found in approximately 25% of brain cancer patients and more than 35% cases at advanced stage. And there were an estimated 2% of the cause of the seizures is a tumor / brain cancer.
Other Brain Cancer Symptoms
Other symptom of brain cancer is vision and hearing reduced or may be loss. Among them also the occurrence of disturbances in walking (balance) and neurological disorders. If the baby's crown is usually enlarged and prominent.
How to prevent Brain Cancer
Preventing certainly much better than cure right? Any cancer disease, either cervical cancer, breast cancer, as well as other cancers including brain cancers can be prevented as early as possible. To prevent brain cancer is to live healthy and consume foods and beverages that contain proxeronin. Proxeronin is an excellent substance to control the cell growth. Preventing certainly the best way.
Brain Cancer Treatment
Brain cancer treatment through the medical
1. Surgery
Operations performed for cancers that are reachable by surgery and not anywhere near a sensitive part of the brain. Risk of surgery on brain cancer is quite high, ranging from nerve damage that can lead to sensory disorders, and bleeding in the brain that can trigger an infection.
2. Radiation
Radiation are often used to treat brain cancer is the X-rays, which were fired from outside. This therapy is often done after surgery to clean up the cancer cells that may remain. Side effects include trigger fatigue, headaches and scalp irritation.
3. Chemotherapy
Complaints most often when using chemotherapeutic drugs are nausea vomiting. Hair loss is also difficult to avoid because the drugs are not specific, only killing cells that are growing relatively quickly include cancer cells and hair cells.
Brain cancer treatment through alternative or Herbs medicine
There are so many alternative treatments for brain cancer. Nature provides a lot of herbs or herbal ingredients to cure various diseases including brain cancer. In asian herbal medicine, the cure for brain cancer is the ant nest, soursop leaves that well known as anti cancer and Pandanus conoideus lam