There are two types of lung cancer, Non-small cell lung Carcinoma (NSCCA) and small cell lung Carcinoma (SCCA). Primary lung tumors is cancer that originated or started in the lungs. Vast majority are bronchogenic carcinomas (90-95%). About 5% of primary lung tumors are bronchial carcinoid tumors. Remaining 2-5% are mesenchymal tumors or other miscellaneous neoplasms. Metastatic Lung Cancer (Secondary lung cancer) is lung cancer from somewhere else in the body. Both carcinomas and sarcomas arising anywhere in the body (bowel or breast for instance) may spread to the lungs via the blood or lymphatics. Growth of contiguous tumors into the lungs occurs most often with esophageal carcinomas and mediastinal lymphomas.
Lung Cancer Risks Factor
The most common cause of lung cancer is tobacco smoke, relative risk 10-20 times (Risk returns to that of non-smokers 10-20 yrs after smoking cessation). Genetics and exposure to asbestos, arsenic, beryllium, marijuana, nickel, radon can also cause people to develop lung cancer. Other cause for lung cancer is Radiation Exposure but this is extremely rare.
Symptoms Lung Cancer
The most common symptoms of lung cancer is Shortness of breath, Cough. Hemoptysis, Fever associated with PNA, Constant chest pain, Shoulder pain, Superior venal caval syndrome, Horner's syndrome. Pancoast's syndrome, Ipsilateral supraclavicular, Loss of appetite and/or weight loss, Fatigue.
Lung Cancer Stage (TNM Staging for Lung Cancer)
Lung Cancer Stage |
Tx: Tumor proved by the presence of malignant cells in bronchopulmonary secretions but not visible roentgenographically or bronchoscopically, or any tumor that cannot be assessed, as in a re-treatment staging
T0: No evidence of primary tumor
T1S: Carcinoma in situ
T1: A tumor 3 cm or less in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura and without evidence of invasion proximal to a lobar bronchus at bronchoscopy
T2: A tumor more than 3 cm in greatest dimension, or a tumor of any size that either invades the visceral pleura or has associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis extending to the hilar region; at bronchoscopy, the proximal extent of demonstrable tumor must be within a lobar bronchus or at least 2 cm distal to the carina; any associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis must involve less than an entire lung
T3: A tumor of any size w/direct extension into chest wall (including sulcus tumors), diaphragm, or mediastinal pleura of pericardium without involving heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, or vertebral body, or a tumor in main bronchus within 2 cm of the carina without involving the carina
T4: A tumor of any size w/invasion of mediastinum or involving heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, vertebral body, or carina or the presence of malignant pleural effusion
N0: No demonstrable metastasis to regional lymph nodes
N1: Metastasis to lymph nodes in the peribronchial or ipsilateral hilar region, or both, including direct extension
N2: Metastasis to ipsilateral mediastinal lymph nodes and subcarinal lymph nodes
N3: Metastasis to contralateral mediastinal lymph nodes, contralateral hilar lymph nodes, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene or supraclavicular lymph nodes
M0: No (known) distant metastasis
M1: Distant metastasis present specify sites
Lung Cancer Treatment
The type of surgery depends on the size of the tumour. if the operation performed safely, surgery is the best option to remove lung cancer cells (specially for non small cell lung cancer).
Chemotherapy may be injected directly into a vein or taken by oral. This modality is either used with radiation, before surgery or in cases where operation treatment is not feasible.
Radiotherapy is a form of high energy X-ray that kills cancer cells. It is effective, but generally restricted to patients too frail for an operation and or chemotherapy. It is often used in combination with surgery and chemotherapy to kills cancer cells.